Black lives matter?

Since the beginning of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, the world has faced a series of absurd changes in ordinary things and a caricatured view of history. Twitter has removed the words “master”, “slave” and “blacklist” from its program codes. HBO has removed the movie “Gone With the Wind” from its catalogue. Even the game of chess is now seen as a racist one because white pieces always play first.
Where will all these actions bring us? I believe that focusing on the disparity between races only exacerbates the problem. An interesting fact is that the difference in skin colour is actually emphasized by black people. They are constantly blaming white people for their problems. Although slavery in the USA, based on the exploitation of mainly black people, was abolished as early as 1865, the Ottoman Empire continued using white people as slaves for almost 20 more years till 1882. Despite this fact, African Americans continue to insist that slavery is connected precisely with blacks as slaves, and whites as masters, although history would disagree here.
Let’s find out where these prejudices regarding the “blacks” came from. We can simply look at the rating of the most dangerous and safest states. The most dangerous country in the world is Somalia, whereas Iceland is considered to be the safest one. That is, in a country with a black population, the crime rate is much higher than in a country of fair-skinned people. Furthermore, if you look closely at the countries where both of them live, you will see that the most dangerous areas are those where citizens with chocolate skin live. It turns out prejudices regarding African-Americans are not a stereotype that has become obsolete, but real data, confirmed by international ratings, such as, for example, the GPI. What conclusion can we draw from this? The facts show us that white people can create a developed economy, a high level of employment and, therefore, safety, but blacks, unfortunately, have not succeeded at it at all. But why so? It would seem that in the 21st century everyone has the opportunity to get an education, find a decent job, or even set up their own successful company. However, for some unknown reasons, a large number of dark-skinned people still choose not to respect the law. Paris, for example, is infested with African immigrants who illegally trade on the streets, hence do not pay taxes, but keep regularly receiving welfare payments, funded from taxes of honestly working white citizens. It reflects the African way of thinking and their approach to building a state. Everyone considers themselves to be smarter than the others and thinks that rules are for fools. Here is where a lack of economic development and a high crime rate due to low employment come from. Are white people the guilty ones here?
We should, of course, restore justice and remark that such way of thinking can also be found, for instance, in Russia, which is also not an example of a successful country where everyone would like to move to, such as, let’s say, Switzerland. And, at the same time, in the USA, the richest musicians and TV presenter are blacks: Jay Z, Beyonce and Oprah Winfrey. Therefore, looking at the colour of the skin, it is impossible to unequivocally declare that a person is a criminal, although the exception proves the rule.
So how can we make a difference and get rid of racism, crime and prejudice once and for all?
“The key to the solution is fear.”
Fear is a feeling that can move the masses and make people do irrational things. As an example, we can analyze recent voting for amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Having studied the opinion of a group of lawyers and Russians with a degree, I noticed the following patterns. Educated and intelligent people understand that this polling is a gross violation of the law and oppose these changes. Constitutions are adopted for centuries as a foundation of the state. Constitutions can be changed only when creating a new state. However, fear of the president immobilizes people, although it is obvious that one person will not be able to kill, fire, imprison, etc. 144 million people. Thus, several examples of “public execution” force millions of people to remain in a silent herd. Another example is the relationship between men and women. The latter, being afraid of facing criticism of society when left without a man, especially in Muslim countries, live with tyrants for years and suffer from psychological and physical violence. It is a horror that forces us to make impulsive decisions and turns off our minds. Politicians who create systems that are beneficial only for them, have been using fright to control people for centuries.
What things are worth being afraid of? We must create for ourselves a fear that will guide us in the right direction, the one beneficial for everybody, and not just for a single group of people. Since we live in a society, our actions should be aimed at maintaining the mutual respect and safety of all its members. Therefore, we should be afraid of losing the reputation and trust of other people, this will make us honest with ourselves and the rest. We must be afraid of being caught lying and stealing. This will make us earn a living by helping others, rather than robbing them. We must be afraid of being expelled from society for non-compliance with the rules of living in it. Unfortunately, the current global trends plant false fears in our minds: the fear of blacks only because of their skin colour, the fear of being divorced (for women), the fear of being punished for trying to defend one’s rights, etc.
Dear reader, choose the right things to be afraid of. You should not be frightened of dying, but of living a tasteless life. It is scary not to be left alone, but to spend a life with the wrong person. It is terrible not to be divorced or unmarried, but to lose your self-esteem. It is scary not to be rejected, but to miss the opportunity to build happiness with your Mr or Mrs Right. It is disastrous not to be sent to prison, but to become a person who has discontinued to respect and value the rights and lives of others.
In conclusion, I would like to note: racism is bad, and equality is good. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the latter must be earned, and rights should not be given to people without duties. Low-income blacks deserve the same rights as rich whites, but they must understand that they will have to meet the standards that the latter currently correspond to. White people in the USA, in fact, have different income levels, although black citizens complain that all white people have better conditions and more rights. At the same time, African Americans do not think about the fact that those who have studied hard and worked hard, and not those who were born white, earn good money in the USA. We should be against real problems, such as, for example, the omnipotence and impunity of the police as a structure, and not just cases of ill-treatment of black citizens. After all, power corrupts, and people, regardless of skin colour, faith, sexual orientation or gender, lose control by tasting this forbidden fruit. Just remember about the Stanford prison experiment, the Third Wave experiment, and World War II, which showed how quickly people can lose their essence when they are driven by fear and thirst for power.