Coronavirus is a global conspiracy?

Is self-isolation designed to save lives, or to trigger a worldwide military coup? How can we avoid a humanitarian catastrophe? Why does the government want us to panic?
Coronavirus continues to take lives, and quarantine proceeds with killing the economy, business, and … people.
Many countries have introduced unprecedented citizen control measures. Now, for violating the quarantine rules in China, you can be subjected to the death penalty; in the Philippines, they may shoot you; and in India, they will beat you with sticks. Such means can allow the governments of various countries to get rid of citizens who express dissatisfaction with their policies. They will simply claim that the latter ones have violated the regime of self-isolation.
Quarantine continues changing people’s minds. The world is divided into two camps now: those who have proved they belong to the species of Homo Sapiens, and those who have returned to the stage of Homo erectus. I mean that the current discrimination of people who look European in India resembles the apartheid period in South Africa and racial segregation in the USA in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Soon the world will be struck with a wave of robberies and suicides due to the people’s lacking savings for food and housing. Even though Bill Gates warned us of an imminent threat several years ago, humans are used to starting to solve problems only when they can no longer be solved.
Let’s learn how to solve problems BEFORE they appear. Let’s start with a simple example — overweight people. Whatever they say, excess fat does not appear overnight for no reason. It accumulates gradually since people consume more calories than they spend. So, instead of trying not to die from a heart attack, suffering from diabetes and arthritis, while trying in vain to lose tens of extra pounds, better start doing sports and eating healthy foods when you have no more than five extra pounds! Speaking about poor large families and single mothers needing assistance from the state, parents who wish happiness to their children will never bring them to this world without having sufficient financial funds to give them a good quality of life. Now let’s talk about disabled soldiers. After all, it is quite obvious that this profession holds risks of losing health, so why do they still choose to do it? It’s time to get back to the coronavirus crisis. Mournful videos of parents not having enough money to feed their children have already started to appear on the Internet after just several weeks of quarantine. Yet, after all, it’s obvious that having a financial parachute, able of covering your living expenses for six months, in case of an unforeseen event, is a must for each person. So why have people run out of money in a couple of weeks? So here we come to the main crisis that mankind is currently facing — the crisis of education. Let’s recall a famous quote:
“Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing the students to cheat in the examinations.”
Patients die at the hands of such doctors.
Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers.
Money is lost at the hands of such economists and accountants.
Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars.
Justice is lost at the hands of such judges.
“The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation.”
Modern education in most cases does not teach people to think. We are forced to memorize tons of unnecessary information, solve arithmetic equations and memorize the hundreds of times rewritten and completely unreliable history of our countries. What for? Because it is very easy to control such people and force them to do whatever their rulers want them to do. The main lesson that everyone should learn is that any information, even if you found it in official school and university textbooks, must be passed through a filter of doubt and critical analysis. Furthermore, the most important skill which is required to solve any problem is the ability to see the consequences of one’s actions.
Let’s learn to see the connection between our choice of a plastic bag in a supermarket and the death of marine animals, between our decision to buy another pair of jeans and the melting of glaciers in Antarctica, between the desire of men to keep their libido and the extinction of rhinos in Africa. Let’s solve the problem of climate change while it is still possible!