Crime and Punishment 2:0

“I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me.”- Mother Teresa
This quote perfectly describes the difference between the protests taking place this year in Belarus and the Black lives matter movement. Belarusians organize only peaceful marches, without weapons, vandalism, or violence. At the same time, protests in the United States are accompanied by armaments, damage of public and private property, robberies, and brutality against civilians and representatives of the law. So what conclusion can we make? In this situation, the criminals in the first case are representatives of law enforcement agencies and authorities who use violence against the protesters, while in the second case, the villains are the protesters themselves, demanding respect for their rights, surprisingly forgetting to respect the rights of others. After all, infrastructure facilities, destroyed during the riots by protesters, were built with taxpayers’ money. It is a very stupid behavior — to be violent toward people and to rob their stores, protesting against a stereotype that black people are aggressive and like stealing from others. This way of protesting actually proves that the existing unjust treatment of black people is pretty much justified. It also shows a crisis in the field of education and the lack of critical and logical thinking for certain people. All those things made me think of the model of a perfect punishment system.
So how to organize the system of catching criminals so that innocent people do not get there? — Of course, the solution to this problem cannot be simple and quick and requires comprehensive and long-term development of the right values and moral principles. Firstly, all children in the world from birth should be taught one simple principle: “breaking a social rule, a person launches a chain of events that inevitably leads to the violation of his own rights by other people in the future”. This principle is also known as the “Golden Rule of Morality”, which can be formulated as follows: treat others the way you want to be treated.
Ultimately, if you give false testimony in court to send an innocent person to jail, then the same can happen to you. If you are protecting a certain criminal, then another person can also protect another criminal who may attack you and your family in the future. Examples are endless. Of course, there is no hope to rely on the honesty and decency of absolutely every person, so ideal justice should include artificial intelligence — free from prejudices, double standards, and corruption. The judges of the future should be represented exclusively by computer programs that do not take into account any statuses, wealth, and other factors, but punish criminals on absolutely the same basis. The crimes should be depersonalized, as, for example, in the system used to check international exams, when not a person is evaluated, but their work. Punishments must also comply with two principles — revenge (so that victims of the crime are not tempted to commit another crime), and the prevention of such a crime in the future. Public abuse of animals, posted by the criminals themselves on the Internet, should be immediately punished with the death penalty, because, as discussed earlier, animals are more important for the common good than people.
Men are used to using nature, killing animals, and destroying entire ecosystems, guided by the postulate of the supremacy of the intellect. That is, people consider themselves the smartest creatures on the planet, and based on this they use less intellectually developed forms of life at their discretion, regardless of their feelings and rights to live. However, having broad rights implies a huge responsibility. Based on this, and the generally accepted concept that human life is the highest priority, it is worth adjusting the balance and taking as a basis the fact, that absolutely any person has sufficient mental abilities to assess their actions, and therefore, any of their illegal actions are malicious and should be punished in the most severe manner. That is why bullying of animals should be punished with the death penalty, since a person, possessing greater intellectual power, must protect weaker ones, just as it is customary in our society to protect children and women. The death penalty should also apply to corrupt officials and serial killers. Concerning people with mental disabilities — given the fact that the commission of a crime is not their fault, but it does not cancel the crime either, it is more humane and expedient to apply the euthanasia procedure to them. However, for rapists and pedophiles, it is logical to use the amputation of the “crime weapon” as a punishment. Still, all of the above penalties can be used only in cases where the error of the investigation is excluded. For example, when corrupt officials are caught red-handed. This “witch hunt” may even become a very popular TV show, where thousands or even millions of viewers can participate in the trial and execution of punishment live.
Now let’s answer the second question raised in the previous article. How exactly should society control the process of giving birth and raising children?
First, having children should not be a right, but a privilege to be earned. Of course, everyone has the right to a family, but it can be realized, for example, through adoption. Therefore, people with mental disabilities and other genetic diseases that cause disabilities should not have biological offsprings. Since the care of these offsprings, sooner or later, will become the responsibility of society. Yet, at the end, society is not obliged to be responsible for the mistakes of individuals. Also, society should not provide any financial assistance to young mothers, since young mothers, a priori, have sufficient mental abilities to choose the right father for their future children. And, the right father is a healthy man with the income sufficient enough not to use additional subsidies from the state.
Here someone may object, but what if such a lady with low social status still becomes a mother, should we just leave her child to die of hunger and cold? Well, in this case, it is worth noting that from the very beginning of pregnancy, the right to carry a child, and not to be forced to terminate a pregnancy, should only be given to those women who have fulfilled all the requirements for this. Otherwise, the child must be aborted. Despite the cruelty of this phrase, this is a much more humane decision than letting a baby be born and only then leaving him without food, warmth, love, and care. Harlow’s experiment back in the middle of the 20th century showed the unconditional necessity of a mother’s love for raising a mentally and physiologically healthy child. Unfortunately, the love and care of a mother are impossible to receive in an orphanage. And despite the provision of such children with the items necessary for survival, they most likely will never be able to grow into happy and healthy members of society. The majority of such children will become criminals or psychopaths. They will suffer from depression, and various psychological disorders all their lives.
That is why to become parents, people must obtain the same licenses as those we get to drive a car or other vehicles, and children must receive these licenses at school. From the first grade, children should be taught the basics of psychology and medical care, the right ways of taking care of a child, as well as the basics of sexuality, to avoid an unplanned pregnancy at the age of 9–13 due to ignorance about the consequences of sexual intercourse.
Of course, many may consider these ideas totalitarian or even fascist. However, keep in mind that we all live on the same planet, and we all live in a society where our actions affect others, and their actions have a direct impact on us. Therefore, to keep the balance, we must focus our actions on creating the right society, and not on correcting other people’s mistakes. Consequently, it is much more expedient to invest in the education of children than in the construction of prisons and mental hospitals. Finally, by helping the disadvantaged (solving their problems instead of them), we create even more disadvantaged ones. And by helping smart and healthy children to develop, we create even smarter, healthier, and happier people.
All in all, a fight is going on inside every person. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil–he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other is good — he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. And the wolf that we feed always wins. Let’s feed the right wolf.