
Since the beginning of quarantine, we have reassessed our values, and interests, and have found new things which can, surprisingly, drive us mad. People have faced the problems we thought were non-existent just a few months ago. And most importantly, the world saw new concepts and theories that seemed unthinkable to us in December 2019. First things first.
Children and remote job.
Many parents are now complaining about the difficulties they are facing at the moment trying to school their children and work from home at the same time. However, if it is difficult for them to cope with one, two or three children who share 50% of the genetic material with them, then how did they consider it possible, before quarantine, that teachers should work with a class of 30 people? Pedagogs were also expected to pay attention to every single student and apply to them different personalized techniques which had to take into account the individual characteristics, needs and interests of every child. Does that even sound realistic to you? Especially taking into account how much money teachers actually earn and how much time they need to waste for filling up different useless documents for the ministry of education? Do you still support the concept that the teacher is always to blame because he did not explain the material well enough to your little genius?
High-quality education requires a lot of financial investment, whereas free education has a corresponding quality! That is why parents should either think about hiring tutors instead of classical school or teach their children how to get self-education. This will obviously require discipline and responsibility from them, which most modern children, unfortunately, do not have. Another question arises. If it is so difficult for you to be with your own children in the same apartment, why, in the age of contraceptives and abortion, did you decide to have them in the first place? Despite all the attempts of Bill Gates to tell people about the dangers of overpopulation, they still continue to have children for fundamentally wrong reasons. Here is the list:
1) To have someone to care for me when I am old. This extremely selfish reason for creating an emotional slave should be punished, if not by society, then by karma. Such people must, ultimately, remain completely alone in their old age.
2) I am a woman, my nature is to give birth. However, a woman, after all, is, first of all, a human. And the nature of humans is to be happy. And it is not necessary to give birth to children — you can create ideas, projects, laws, books, films. The list is endless.
3) It is customary in where we come from. A family without children is not a family. But the family is, first of all, the union of soulmates. If a couple is happy with each other, then society should not condemn them. It should rather praise them as responsible members of society, who think, first of all, of the common good, and not of their own selfish interests.
Dear parents, if it is hard for you now to be with your children, remember that bringing a new life into this world was, first of all, your conscious decision. So carry your cross and do not whine!
People and boredom.
Many ones complain that they are bored of sitting at home, have nothing to do, and are terribly suffering from the inability to leave the house. I heard this phrase from the inhabitants of Paris, Dubai, New York, etc. PEOPLE, are you serious? The opportunity to stay at home in a safe city, where there is an electronic payment system, delivery service, water 24 hours etc. seems torture to you? Since 2014, people in my city, Donetsk, have been living WITHOUT post, an electronic payment system, even with no debit and credit cards, with the constant fear of dying from a mine or shell falling into the house, with an already 6-year curfew and water by hours (yes, try to imagine, in my city, you can not take a shower whenever you want, but only in fixed hours). Whereas for someone, for example, in Moscow, is it just boring to sit at home, which is not even in constant danger of being destroyed by artillery guns?! Well, people, have you lost your minds? Citizens in many developed countries with the advances of science and technology simply turned into spoilt children who absolutely do not appreciate what they have!
The value of human life.
Italy was the first one to show the world that not all people, as it turns out, are equally valuable. And when the moment of choice comes, it becomes obvious that young people are much more important for society than old ones; that people who are faster and cheaper to cure are more important than those whose treatment requires too many resources. And it is normal. This is a natural selection. We all should accept the fact that not all people should be helped, and this is far from being inhumane. This is natural and extremely important if we all want to live a full happy life. It makes no sense to keep people in a coma for years, spending resources that could have saved a more promising, in terms of recovery, person. There is no point in collecting millions of dollars for the treatment of children with cancer because cancer will take them anyway. This money should be spent on the education of healthy children who can possibly invent a cure for, let’s say, cancer in the future if they get decent knowledge in various sciences. It makes no sense to treat drug addicts, alcoholics and people with suicidal tendencies. Ultimately, becoming such dregs of society was their choice, and it is their responsibility. Also, voluntary euthanasia must be legalized throughout the world, because if a person does not want to live, then, in the end, it is their right. They may have completely justified reasons for it — incurable diseases that cause unbearable pain, or even the loss of the meaning of life.
It is time for karma now.
Karma is not a string of negative events in our lives in response to our actions, as many are used to thinking. Karma is a teacher who helps us understand something and therefore sends us similar events and similar people until we learn a lesson. Let us finally learn to see the connection between our actions and their consequences. Let’s not do things that can lead us to a result that we will be unhappy with.
Let’s solve problems before they appear. As Brian Tracy said in his Rule of Six Ps: “Proper prior preparation prevents poor performance.”