Sexual selection or how women run the world

Women are, without a doubt, magnificent creatures. From ancient times, the female body was chanted in verses and served as an inspiration for various pieces of art. However, women literally make the world gorgeous based on their sense of beauty. The reason is explained in Darwin’s theory, or rather, its lesser-known part — sexual selection. You may have noticed that in the wild, females are usually dull and plain, while males shine with a whirlpool of colors, shapes and various talents. Why is it like that? The truth is that any woman, even if she is a hen (Gallus gallus domesticus), seeks to surround herself with beauty, and since there are no mirrors in nature, to enjoy the beauty, you have to decorate your males. For millions of years, females, being authentic professional breeders, tirelessly, from generation to generation, have been selecting only the best, in their opinion, males to transfer their genes to future generations and create a masterpiece. And since sexual selection in a fairly short time, by evolutionary standards, can make any woman’s whim a species norm, ladies have been using it shamelessly. They were those who made the men the way we see them now, or to be more specific: reduced their fangs because they preferred friendly guys; enlarged their penises to the maximum size among primates and removed the bone (baculum) from it since it is … beautiful. They made them smart and gave them a sense of humor, increased their height and made them more muscled because they liked those kinds of men. So women, of course, did a good job, but at some point, the system failed. People began to reproduce completely uncontrollably, thus stopping the natural process of evolution. That was when smart men began to dictate their own rules (forgetting who made them smart in the first place), which completely violated the fragile natural balance. They drove women into a dependent position with the help of religion, moral principles, public views, etc. It is enough to recall that in both the most widespread religions in the world — Islam, and Christianity, women have much fewer rights than men. Female education is not welcomed in a number of Muslim countries even now, yes, now, in 2020!!! Women are ashamed of their choice of staying childfree and unmarried. Men condemn them for their sexual emancipation, for choosing a career instead of the family, and they constantly impose unrealistic standards of beauty, absolutely unattainable without a team of plastic surgeons and other narrow specialists. Men are simply afraid of becoming completely useless for modern independent women who have the same rights and responsibilities as them. As a result of men’s politics, women, driven by fears of being condemned by society, agree to be with even the ugliest and most unpromising men, pass their genes to their descendants, and instead of becoming faster, higher, stronger, humanity becomes weaker, dumber, more manageable and more vulnerable. This is precisely what led us to the fact that some microscopic coronavirus keeps entire countries and continents at bay.
Dear women! I appeal to your sense of beauty and innate responsibility. Choose fathers for your children correctly. Remember that your choice shapes the future of the planet, and it is you who decides whether we will become healthier and smarter, or die out in endless wars and epidemics. Nurture generosity in men and also the ability to talk and compromise. Keep the bar high and help men reach it. By doing it not only do you help yourself, but also make men better. Recognize your importance and value in keeping life on Earth, and dictate your own rules instead of following patriarchal traditions. Teach men to take care of animals and plants. Show them that any conflict can be resolved in a dialog. Tell them that weapons and force are used only when people are not smart enough to speak with each other. Teach them to create and maintain, and not destroy and kill, as they do now. Dear women, you have immense power, and at the same time responsibility, accept it and follow your mission with dignity. The most important purpose is assigned to you — to help the most important woman in the world — Mother Nature.
P.S. Mr. Zelensky V. A. I am tired of hearing the sounds of shells exploding every day outside my windows and your empty ceasefire promises. Be the man who does what he promises, after all. You have signed the document, so be so kind enough to read it and follow what is communicated in there. Remember that now — you are the President, the jokes are over.