Ukraine — the country of nazi and cowards

More than 13 out of 44 million people (30% of the population) have fled Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s special operation, the United Nations (UN) says.
Those are huge numbers, don’t you think so? To compare, only 15% of citizens of Afghanistan became refugees since the Taliban took over power. So, Ukrainians are running away in the same numbers as Syrians. However, you would NOT argue that Syria has been in much worse conditions. It has lost over 350 000 civilians (almost 2 % of the population), whereas Ukraine has diminished only by 15 000 civilians (0.03% of citizens). At the same time, Ukrainian courage became a brand all over the world. But why? I do not see anything they can be proud of. Let’s look at it in detail:
- One-third of the population which is supposed to be defending the land at the moment, since they are so patriotic and still young enough to join the army, chose to enjoy the comforts of having free transportation around Europe and gratis money from different EU financial support services.
- Individuals who are forming communities of Ukrainians in foreign countries, approximately 20 million people (1,4 million of whom are living in Canada), for some reason, did not purchase tickets back home to take on arms and defend their sacred motherland. They are brave only when it comes to social media hassle, but not when it requires personal sacrifice.
The war in Ukraine started in 2014 with the bombardment of Donetsk airport. The war was declared by UKRAINE, with Turchinov officially allowing shelling of civil infrastructure. For 8 long years, Ukraine was committing genocide against humans living in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. The horrors continue today. A few hours ago, Ukraine was heavily shelling the whole territory of my lovely city Donetsk, including the area in front of my house!!! — killing and injuring people and destroying infrastructure. However, you cannot see it in popular news programs and newspapers. Why? — Because for the world it is easier to make Russia look like the source of all evil than to acknowledge that, surprisingly, Ukrainians have been actively involved in fratricide for the past 8 years!
All wars are just bloody business, so if you follow the money, you can uncover the truth. Ukraine cut Donetsk out of all the resources back in 2014 (no water, no internet, no landline connection, no food, no medications, no pensions for those unable to exit the region, etc). Russia was helping us not to die from hunger all this time. At the same time, Russian Federation was never in a hurry to include Donetsk as a part of its territory as it did with Crimea. So, what is the point of shelling my city, when Russia has been spending so much money on us without getting any profit back?
Ukraine, on the other side, has proved itself to be a big fat lier. It is enough to check the information about the Ukrainian ombudsman, Ludmila Denisova who was making out stories about Russian sexual violence toward Ukrainian women without providing any evidence.
At the same time, Ukraine has been using this war as an excuse to pull money from Europe and the USA and to successfully steal most of it. This perfect scheme has been smoothly functioning since 2014. Furthermore, Zelensky himself stated that he is ready to kill peaceful civilians to get back the piece of the land. Even though the Ukrainian Constitution states as the highest value of the state a Human life, health, and dignity, it has been clearly demonstrated that in reality, the highest value for Ukraine is a piece of land, money, and resources. They called Azov militants — heroes, even though because of them a city of more than 400 000 inhabitants was burnt to the ground and still got controlled by Russian forces. It seems that the state of Ukraine is the biggest enemy of its own people, sending them to guaranteed death and breaking their lives.
Just answer this simple question? Why Ukraine has never tried to get Crimea back using force? Why in all these years have people from that peninsula never heard a single explosion?
Another question: if Ukraine is fighting with Russia, why is it shelling the territory that it claims to be Ukrainian? Why the rockets and missiles are not sent to Moscow?
The only way to stop the war is to stop supporting Ukraine with arms. The more weapon it gets, the more human lives will be lost in this senseless, unscrupulous war. STOP supporting the Ukrainian military — promote peace, instead of death and destruction. Do not make your children pay for your mistakes by becoming sons and daughters of dirty murderers who were supporting massacre of innocent souls! Remember that fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity! Peace can only be achieved by giving up arms.
P.S. If you want to help a peaceful Ukrainian who has been suffering from war since 2014 and not only 24th of February 2022 — you can leave you donnation here 5375 4188 0773 5543 (USD) or 5375 4141 2370 5773 (UAH) or 5375 4199 0449 8100 (EUR).